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Trading Standards

To access the legislation please click the view printable version. PROJET DE LOI - ENTITLED - The Trading Standards Law, 2009 - THE STATES, in application of the Resolution of the 27th July 2006, have accepted the following provisions that, subject to also the Sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, shall have force of law from also the islands of Guernsey, Herm and Jethou. Ability to enact Ordinances in relation. Such provision might be by Ordinance made by the States as they think fit in relation. Meaning of trading standards. An Ordinance under section 1 may, without restriction, make provision in connection -.

The regulation of things comprised in section 1. Exceptions, exemptions, and derogations from such a regulation including, without limit, exemptions, exceptions, and derogations -. In the public interest. As a matter of public policy. For the benefit of customers or any class or description thereof, or on social, community, economic, ethical together with other grounds. The institution of a trading standards service whether a service within the Department, as a member of also the Department or as an independent legal entity, together with accountability for the administration and enforcement of the Law and also any Ordinance under section 1, and also such rights, obligations, functions and capabilities that may be prescribed.

The analysis by any person of things comprised in the making, issuing, and publication of notices, reports, statements and warnings by them on these topics and section 1. The powers vested in any prescribed individual -. Of entry, examination, search, and inquiry. Of production, seizure, retention, use and also disclosure of documents, info, and goods. To make purchases of goods and also to require any individual to sell such goods. For the purposes of -. The administration and application of any Ordinance under section 1. Carrying out investigations and creating reports, and - usually for the performance of their functions.

The obtaining and exchanging of information. The service of documents. The issue by any prescribed individual of codes of practice, guidance and guidance, and their status in law. The imposition by any prescribed person of instructions, orders, penalties, interim measures along with other sanctions. The appointment by any prescribed individual of any individual or body to advise them in connection with the exercise of the functions under the Law and any Ordinance under it. The creation and publication by any prescribed individual of reports and.
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